- Thistle
- Swallowtail
- Queen of the Prairie
- Lady Slipper
- Wood Duck family
- Spring Beauty
- Argiope Spider
- Bottle Gentian
- Bumblebee on Swamp Thistle
- Canada Goose family
- Chipmunk
- Cinnamon Fern
- Clymene
- Cow Vetch
- Dodder, Cuscuta gronivii
- American Lotus
- Canada Lily
- Northern Cardinal
- Dragonmouth
- Lupine
- pink ironweed
- White squirrel
- yellow Orchis
- Fringed gentian
- Fritillary
- Groundhog
- Leather Flower, Clematis viorna
- Locust Borer
- Mallard family
- Mayapples
- Female Northern Cardinal
- White-breasted Nuthatch
- Orchid
- Porcelain Berry
- Robin Plantain
- Sassafras
- Sideling Hill
- Spring Beauty
- Sun dog
- sunset
- Tiger Swallowtail on Ironweed
- Tiger Swallowtail on Milkweed
- Swamp Rose
- Swamp Rose
- Swan family
- Toad
- Autumn
- Tulip tree flower
- Water Lily
- Woodcock
A slideshow of Esther Allen’s photographs collected by Chuck and Joan Tague.