November 12, 2015 Meeting

Don Weiss


Don Weiss presented a charming, sometimes humorous, show of his own photographs of mammals, starting with a photo of his cat at home,then venturing into his yard with photos of deer and chipmunks, then  into the neighborhood with red fox at a local park, then further afield with sightings from around the state of PA  and finally going national at parks, including Yellowstone.  We learned that a wildlife photographer has to have great patience and be willing to put up with all types of weather.

He also brought an exhibit of various mammal-related items.

Don Weiss’ Program on Mammals Rescheduled

Power-outage_t750x550Due to a power outage at Fern Hollow Nature Center, Don Weiss was unable to present his program.   It has been rescheduled to November 12th.  Twenty-one members shared desserts by flashlight and admired the stars in the unusually dark sky.  Judy Stark’s program, originally scheduled for November 12th will be rescheduled, date yet to be determined.

October 15, 2015 Meeting

Pat Adams

Raccoon Creek State Park DCNR Educator,  Pat Adams, gave an interesting presentation about the history and  culture of the Lenape Indian Tribe in Pennsylvania.


Alison Richards, and son Rowan, check out some of the hand made reproductions of typical clothing worn before “first contact” with the Europeans.

Pat and Su

Su Varley, Wissahickon’s Program Coordinator, introduced her “old” friend, Pat Adams.


Oct 15 meeting

Welcoming and getting to know new members.


New Club Year Begins

-wine-and-cheeseWe will kick-off  the 2015-2016 club year this Thursday, September 17th with a wine and cheese reception at Fern Hollow Nature Center, starting at 7:00 PM. Members should bring a cheese plate in lieu of dessert.  The club will provide the wine.  Yearly dues are now being accepted.  $10 for an individual and $15 for a family membership.  Our speaker is Cris Hamilton, nature photographer, whose program is entitled “Mostly Birds.”

Monday Sept 14th Moraine Outing

Gr. Lobelia

Gr. Lobelia




Outings are not exclusive to members.  Everybody is welcome to come.  Dress
appropriately for the weather.  Wear hiking shoes and a hat.  Bring sun block,
field guides and binoculars.  Bring a lunch.  Don’t forget water and snacks for
the trail.

September 14, Monday, 10:00 a.m.  Bird and Wildflower Outing at
Moraine State Park by Kim Metheny.  Expect to see a patch
of Nodding Ladies  Tresses.   Look for many species of asters, Thin Leaf Coneflower, Silverrod,  Burr Marigold, Horsebalm, Great Blue Lobelia, Rosinweed, Spotted Wintergreen,  Common Sneezeweed and Bulb Bearing Water Hemlock plus some nifty mushrooms.
Several years ago we saw a ton of caterpillars including Tiger   Swallow,
Spicebush Swallowtail and the enormous Hickory Horned Devil.

Directions From
Pittsburgh: take I-79 North to Exit 96, (formerly Exit 28), Portersville,
Prospect.  At the end of exit ramp, turn Right onto Rt. 488 East.  Travel 1.1
miles to a “Y”  Bear Left at the “Y” to Moraine State Park.  From the “Y” go 1
mile to the entrance of Moraine State Park. Passing under US422 turn Left onto
422 West.  Go 2.1 miles.  Turn Right at the North Shore Exit (brown sign). Cross
a small bridge.  At the “Yield”, go right and travel .3 miles.  Turn Right into
Moraine State Park.   Go  1 mile to bicycle concession on the Right at  at Nealy