Jennings Field Trip July 26, 2019

Culver’s Root

Friday, July 26, 2019 10:00 AM Jennings Prairie, Leaders: Dianne and Bob Machesney (C) 412-523-0368
Visit the unique ecosystem at Jennings Prairie.
This is the perfect time to explore the relict prairie. The hot weather brings the stunning Blazing Star and some of the other dazzling summer flowers to peak performance. The goldenrods of fall will begin to show. Don’t miss the spectacular butterflies that grace the prairie with their breathtaking beauty. Flycatchers, vireos, tanagers, Common Yellowthroats and Cedar Waxwings sometimes make an appearance. We may come across a Red Eft, the larval form of a Red-spotted Newt.

Outings are free and open to the public. Bring your friends. Trails are wheelchair accessible.Wear a hat and sunscreen. Bring binoculars, field guides, water and a lunch.

Directions From Pittsburgh: take I-79 North to Exit 99, New Castle/ Butler. Drive east on Route 422 roughly 5.8 miles to the Prospect Exit. Turn left (north) onto Route 528.
Continue on Route 528 for about 7 miles. Meet in the Jennings Environmental Center Parking Lot on the left (west) side of the road.

2019 Outings Being Planned

Expect to find Snow Trillium on the Little Sewickley Creek hike on March 31st.

Our first outing of the season will be Sunday March 31st at Little Sewickley Creek in Hemanie. Leader will be Loree Speedy. 724-518-6022

April 6 Cedar Creek Leader: Judy Stark

April 26 Butler/Freeport Trail – Monroe Rd. section 10:00 AM Leader: Dianne Machesney

April 27 Indian Creek Valley Trail near Camp Christian, 10:00 AM Leader: Judy Stark

June 28 Shollards Wetlands 10:00 AM Leader Dianne Machesney

July 26 Jennings Prairie 10:00 AM Leader Dianne Machesney

Details to follow. If you have a suggestion or are willing to lead a hike, please call Judy Stark, the club Outings Coordinator at 412-327-9537

Meeting October 11, 2018

Nineteen members met to hear Sarada Sangameswaran present  “From Black to Green: The Story of Pittsburgh Botanic Garden.”  We learned how they are transforming an old coal-mining site into a beautiful botanic garden. This presentation  provided a brief history of the garden and details the land reclamation project that continue to restore our natural habitats  She showed pictures of the established areas and the future plans for creating a vibrant place for visitors to enjoy.  

Monica started off the meeting  by asking for interesting sightings.
Don was our hero by eliminating a pesky wasp.
Kathy listens and our speaker awaits her introduction.
Our speaker, Sarada Sangameswaran