October 27, 2016 Meeting


Jeffrey Hall presented “Great Texas Birding Trail: the Rio Grande Valley.
The  Lower   Rio  Grande  Valley  of  Texas  teems  with  unique  birds  like  green   jays,  chachalacas,  Altamira  orioles,  and  kiskadees.  It  is  full  of   iconic  birding  spots  like  Santa  Ana  and  Laguna  Atascosa  National   Wildlife  Refuges,  South  Padre  Island,  Bentsen-­‐Rio  Grande  State   Park…so  many,  in  fact,  that  they  have  now  been  linked  into  the   “World  Birding  Center.”  This  program  introduced  us  to  many   of  the  natural  wonders  of  a  very  special  part  of  our  country .

October 13, 2016 Meeting



Allegheny County Park Ranger, Braden Meiter, talked about reasons amphibians are in decline. With a special emphasis on frogs, he explained how different our world would be without them.  Frogs are important for insect control and also as bio-indicators of problems in the environment. They are a food source for bats, snakes, and other animals, including humans.   He ended on an encouraging note, showing a short film about frogs on the verge of extinction being bred for reentry into their environment.

Special Event October 7, 2016


Wissahickon Special Event
October 7, Friday, 10:00 a.m. Tribute to Chuck Tague at Raccoon Creek State Park, Wildflower Reserve Nature Center. Joan Tague will be there to present her personal memories of Chuck.
Brittanie from the Wildflower Reserve staff will unveil an owl box to be installed in Chuck’s honor. Afterwards we will caravan to a picnic area for lunch, then off to the Valley Picnic Trail for a bird walk. Bring a lunch, beverages, field guides and binoculars.

Please RSVP to mywintermoon@verizon.net

Meeting September 29, 2016 Paw Paws

pawpaw2-smallAndrew Moore  presented

Pawpaws. We joined Andrew Moore as he spoke of the

past, present, and future of this unique fruit, which

is described as a cross between a mango and a

banana. We enjoyed a presentation about

pawpaw lore and knowledge, not only from the

plant breeders and horticulturists working to bring

the fruit into the mainstream, but also regular folks

Andrew met through his travels and research. In

addition, Andrew dug a little deeper, looking into

American foodways and how economic, biologic,

and cultural forces combine, leading us to eat what

we eat, and sometimes to ignore the incredible,

delicious food growing all around us.


Since September is pawpaw season, Andrew

brought some fresh fruit for tasting!  He also had copies of his award winning book for sale.

Whiskerville Trip Report


Even though the day started off cloudy and threatening rain in Pittsburgh, by the time we arrived in Butler County the sky cleared and the sun came out.  The temperature was in the mid-70’s perfect for finding dragonflies and butterflies.


Four club members braved the muddy path to the various ponds and were rewarded with 22 species of dragonflies, 18 species of butterflies and 34 species of wildflowers. Click here to see the list.  Thanks to Dick Nugent for submitting the bird species seen.  Click here to see his list.

whiskerville gamelands

whiskerville gamelands

Painted skimmer

Painted skimmer

12 spotted skimmer

12 spotted skimmer

IMG_3326Large Cranberry

After eating our bag lunches in the gravel parking lot, we headed to Jennings Prairie where we found 48 wildflowers in bloom and two more species of butterflies.




Common Whitetail

Common Whitetail

Variable Dancer

Variable Dancer

Painted skimmer

Painted skimmer




Sad News


It is with deep sorrow that the Wissahickon Nature Club announces the death, on Friday June 17, 2016,  of our Past President, Chuck Tague. View the obituary from the Daytona Beach News:  http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/news-journalonline/obituary.aspx?n=charles-r-tague-chuck&pid=180427639

Sympathy cards may be mailed to his wife, Joan, at their home address:

22 Creek Bluff Way, Ormand Beach, FL 32174


Trip Report: Buzzard Swamp June 3, 2016


Even though it was raining in Pittsburgh, the weather in Marionville was warm and dry with a slight breeze.  Very pleasant.  Five club members walked the 4.6 mile loop around the swamp and saw a nice variety of butterflies and dragonflies.  Click here for the list of species found today.






Pepper and Salt Skipper



Green Frog

Pink Lady Slipper

Pink Lady Slipper

Tree Swallow

Tree Swallow


Cinnamon Ferns

Some photos submitted by Don Weiss:

snapping turtle

Snapping Turtle



12 spotted skimmer


Purple Finch



Hobomok Skipper

arctic skipper

Arctic Skipper



Bluet damselfly species

And some photos from Monica Miller:


Arched Hooktip Moth


Arctic Skipper