April 20, 2017 Meeting 7PM

June Bernard presented Magical Monarchs.

We discovered interesting facts about the life cycle of  these bright orange and black butterflies, their amazing  metamorphosis and their incredible annual 3,000-mile tricountry  migration. Monarchs begin to arrive from Mexico in our
area mid-May to early June. June provided information on
where to find eggs and caterpillars, examples of simple
equipment needed to raise and release them and gardening
tips on which nectar and host plants will attract them.  We learned
how we can become  citizen scientists by tagging and
releasing Monarchs for the fall migration through the University
of Kansas’ Monarch Watch program. Monarch butterflies are in
decline due to rapid loss of habitat across North America.

Trip Report: Cedar Creek April 1st

The rains held off and eight of us had a very successful walk in the Cedar Creek Gorge.  We were delighted to meet Holly Peck, whose grandfather Werner Buker was a longtime member of the Botanical Society.
He volunteered at the Carnegie Museum herbarium for 40 years and collected thousands of specimens.  Holly has all his slides, each is identified.  I Hope we can talk her into giving a talk and show!
We saw 20 some blooming flowers, the highlights were Snow Trillium, Harbinger of Spring, Hepatica, Twin Leaf and Blue Bells.  We saw at least 20 not-blooming or non-flowering plants, most notable were Few-flowered Valerian, Blue-eyed Mary, Liverwort, Scarlet Cup and Crowded Parchment mushrooms.  We also saw several Mergansers and Spring Azure butterflies.

Submitted by Judy Stark, Trip leader

April 6, 2017 Meeting

Doug Oster presented Getting Started Early in the Garden. . Even though he was battling a scratchy throat, Doug gave a great presentation, using lots of examples from his own home garden.  He recommends all organic gardening, lots of mulch to keep the weeds down, using homemade compost and starting seeds early under grow lights. Peas were planted on St. Patrick’s Day and radishes last winter for microgreen addition to salads today.   Corydalis lutea is a nice early blooming perennial.   Check out his newsletter at http://everybodygardens.triblive.com/newsletters/


March 9, 2017 Meeting

The Eastern Coyote is present in all 67 counties of Pennsylvania.  WCO Thomas Kline educated us on the coyote’s traits,  habitat and some common misconceptions.

He had a video of suburban coyotes that had been radio-collared.  They were then able to follow them at night and record their behavior.  Coyotes are the number one predator of Canada geese, eating both the eggs and the young. They are opportunistic, feeding on whatever is easiest to obtain.  Road kill and small mammals make up a large part of their diet. They will also eat fruit, like fallen apples and wild grapes, when available.

Dec. 15th Holiday Party and Cookie Exchange

December 15, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Don Weiss presented  ” A musical tour of North America, its Grand Views, Wildlife and Flowers.” We took an armchair tour of the sights and sounds of this beautiful land and its inhabitants set to the music of Dan Gibson’s Solitudes and John Denver. From mountain scenes to migrating birds and wonderful wildflowers, we sat back and enjoyed the wide-open spaces and the tiniest creatures that share our world. http://www.donweissphotography.com

As is our tradition, we read the “Night before Christmas”, with each member taking a stanza.

This was also our annual cookie exchange.

Monica Miller shows the reindeer favors she made, with a little  help from Don Weiss and Dianne Machesney.

We will be taking a winter break from meetings  They will resume in February.  Join us at North Park for our January 1st outing.


Field Trip Jan. 1, 2017 1:00 PM Irwin Road

bare_trees_and_clouds_and_sky_in_december_in_njKeeping tradition alive, member  Dick Nugent will be  leading  a New Year’s Day hike at Irwin Road, North Park. Come ID plants in their winter forms, appreciate trees by their bark, look and listen for birds.  Nature always surprises, even in Winter.
rmnugent@live.com. If weather
conditions are uncertain, please call
Richard at 412-487-5549 the day of the

December 1, 2016 Meeting

bill-beattyDecember 1, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.  Bill Beatty, Owner/Director  of Wild & Natural, presented  Discovering Life Through Birds.
This program highlighted bird-related stories from his recent book,
Rainbows , Bluebirds and Buffleheads .
Bill is a Nature Photographer and Writer. To view his work, visit his photo galleries: http://www.agpix.com/ billbeatty and Nature Blog: www.wvbirder.wordpress.com
